
Grand Finals

  • THO the norm to prefer innovation over maintenance
  • Novice Finals

  • THW meet the stranger
  • Open Semifinals

  • THR the ubiquity of judicialization in politics
  • Novice Semifinals

  • THR the rise in gentle parenting
  • Open Quarterfinals

  • THP a world with widespread belief in divine indifference
  • Round 5

  • THBT it is in the interest of Canada to advocate for the inclusion of Mexico in any new North American Free Trade Agreement
  • Round 4

  • THBT emerging women's sports leagues (e.g. PWHL, WNBA) should be majority-owned by fans
  • Round 3

  • THP a DBFOM P3 over a traditional contract for the Toronto-Quebec high-speed rail project
  • Round 2

  • THBT climate activists in small island states threatened by rising sea levels (ex. Tuvalu, the Marshall Islands, Kiribati) should prioritize evacuation measures (ex. advocating for citizens to be granted refugee status in other countries, finding alternative habitats for indigenous species, retaining fishing rights for citizens within national waters) as opposed to adaptation efforts (ex. building sea walls, raising ground levels, advocating in favour of global environmental policy)
  • Round 1

  • TH, as a new graduate entrepreneur, W build a startup to prioritize capturing venture capital funding as opposed to self-funding and attracting customers naturally